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Grounded Imaginaries Fellowship
Stories shape the lens through which we make sense of reality and inform our actions.
Our collective crisis is often seen as a crisis of imagination.
Chances are that systemic redesign is not coming from those in power, so it’s up to us citizens to get involved, step up and form collective stories that help us see a way out. As we are reimagining our world and our role in it, youth have a particularly important role to play. Not just because they will inherit the future, but also because older generations need to unlearn much more before they can add to a fresh new perspective.
The Future Imaginaries Youth Fellowship is an intensive program supporting youth to document South Indian community responses to the global crises (ecological and economic) and create narratives that challenge and complement dominant stories about the state of the world. The fellowship will offer youth an in-depth immersion amidst “alternative India”, strengthen networks of activists and change makers, develop creative, inspiring content and raise new questions.
SEA has entered into a partnership with the Sydney Environment Institute at the University of Sydney, Australia, and a North Indian NGO called India and Bharat Together. We have created an 18 month program, ending in Marc 2023, and may build on this experience to develop an annual fellowship.